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How You Can Give

Your gift matters. Large or small, your gift will make a difference at NVRH.


Use our secure online form to make a gift now.

By Mail

Send your gift to:
Philanthropy Department
PO Box 905
St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819

If you wish to direct your support to a particular department or program, please note that in the memo line of your check.

By Phone

To make your gift by phone using a credit card, please call Jen Layn at 802-748-7313.

Employee Payroll Giving

Employees of NVRH can make gifts through automatic payroll deduction – both recurring and one time gifts. To enroll, download and complete the Employee Giving Form and return to the Philanthropy Dept.

Recurring Monthly or Quarterly Gift

To establish a recurring gift charge to your credit card, please call Jen Layn at 802-748-7313.

Tribute Gift (Memorial Or Honorary)

You can make a gift in memory or honor of a loved one or caregiver through our online giving form; be sure to select the option for making a memorial or honorary gift. For sample langue to include in an obituary notice, visit our Tribute Giving page.


To make a gift of securities to NVRH, click here for electornic transfer instructions. Your name will not be attached to the shares transferred, so please let us know of your intent so we will know how to use the funds received.

Real Estate or Other Assets

To discuss making a gift of real estate or other assets, please contact Emily Hutchison at 802-748-7464.

IRA Charitable Rollover Gift

Do you want to reduce your tax burden, while at the same time benefiting programs at NVRH? If you are 70½ or older, you can make an IRA distribution. directly to NVRH (up to $100,000 each year) without the distribution being included as taxable income, but allowing it to count towards the annual required minimum distribution (RMD). To learn more or for a sample letter to send to your IRA administer requesting this distribution, visit our IRA Giving page.

Legacy Estate Gifts

Including charitable gifts in your financial or estate plans is a wonderful way to support NVRH, while often providing a way to lessen the burden of taxes on you and your family. This includes leaving a bequest in your will, creating a charitable gift annuity, naming us as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, creating a charitable remainder trust, making a gift distribution directly from your IRA, or establishing an andowment. To learn more about these opportunities, visit our Legacy Giving page.

Endowment Gifts

Create a permanent, self-sustaining endowment fund to provide an on-going source of support for a purpose you designate.  With a minimum gift of $25,000, you can establish an endowment outright, over a five-year period, or in your estate plans.  Visit our Endowment page for more information.  

This information does not provide legal or financial advice, nor is it a comprehensive review of the topics. You should consult your attorney and tax advisor before making or planning your gift. Certain types of gifts require prior approval from NVRH in order to be accepted. NVRH accepts all gifts through its parent company of Northeastern Vermont Regional Corp; 100% of gifts are transferred to NVRH for use in the way the donor has designated.